Hi, My partner got a phone interview for Data Science/Machine Learning Development Program for Grads. Any pointersbfir interview process and what to expect for first phone interview? My partner is currently pursuing masters in Data Science and would be graduating in May 2024.

ADP coolcat07 Mar 17

There are normally 3-4 rounds. Phone interview with recruiter, video call with hiring manager, video call with senior members in team and finally a broader call with other team members. Phone interview with recruiter is normally resume go through and seeing if your background fits the role..why ADP etc. Subsequent calls will test basic DS knowledge. The interview process isn’t that tough, relatively simple compared to tech companies. They focus more on seeing if you’re a good fit culturally rather than checking actual DS knowledge

ADP pmRg06 Mar 17

Hi coolcat07 where are the current ML openings at ? I’m at Pasadena , CA and don’t see actual ML openings

ADP coolcat07 Mar 18

Not sure, PmRg06, I thinks OP is referring to new grad openings but funny one if there are any other open roles for ML/DS