AWS Solutions Architect Certifications

What y’all think of AWS SA certifications in this job market? I know Big Tech doesn’t require you to have these certifications. But I don’t really think I’ll get job there any time soon. Right now, my job is not under threat (at least I feel so). So rather than prepping for LC, I was thinking doing AWS certifications and if gets laid off then pick up 6-9 months gigs until market recovers. Been working with AWS for past 2 years now. TC 220k at startup. Not at Dassault. #engineering #software #swe

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TD ready4a Apr 25, 2023

You should know the stuff at least to clear the interview.

Amazon masterfrod Apr 25, 2023

If you’re looking for a job.. and the job is to be an SA.. definitely worth it

Launchdarkly kR54ty9i Apr 25, 2023

It depends. They’re helpful for early career roles for sure, and sometimes at companies without good hiring processes where the recruiters don’t really know what they’re looking for. There’s no downside that I can think of and if you’re already using AWS the exam won’t be too difficult, so you might as well do it.