Tech IndustryAug 1, 2019

AWS recruiter wants details of offer before possibly moving onsite up and how soon to move offices?

She said she wants the numbers to determine if they can beat them, I have the numbers and I'm sure they can beat them but I imagine it'll work negatively in my favor revealing those details? Because they can low ball me? What's people's experience with this Also very important to me is the location for this offer, Boston Amazon recruiter said if I get an offer and decide Seattle isn't for me I can go to their office in Boston and not have to reinterview, what have people's experience been with this? Will I actually be able to do this? They've actually have been really nice and accommodating so far but I don't know if that's actually within the recruiters ability to just get a me a job in another location? Ofc contingent on me passing the onsite but I could take this offer and just not have to study anymore and that'd also be great tbh , but feels like effort wasted in that case.

Amazon z126 Aug 1, 2019

Moving to the Boston office is not in the recruiter's power at all. The hiring manager for the team in Boston will determine what kind of loop he wants to put you through

IBM LeavingIBM OP Aug 1, 2019

damn, so it's possible I'd have to do another loop? Would I be able to fall back to Seattle if I fail in Boston?

Amazon AMZNBucks Aug 1, 2019

Tell them you're not comfortable sharing those numbers until after the initial offer Seattle is much nicer than Boston btw but I guess Boston COL is less and u can actually swim in beaches nearby if that's your thing

IBM LeavingIBM OP Aug 1, 2019

Boston is closer to home/family/ and friends for me :) but I will explore Seattle during my interview, as for the numbers I told her I'd get back to her with the numbers wouldn't that be weird to say? Would she still be willing to move up the onsite? Could I just say I think you'll beat them?

Amazon AMZNBucks Aug 1, 2019

They're talking numbers before the onsite? Don't give them numbers before then. Say you aren't sure what your target is yet, you need to do more research

IBM LeavingIBM OP Aug 1, 2019

I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt and assuming she was only asking because I mentioned the other (verbal) offer but didn't say numbers. I had asked if they could move the onsite up (but tbf it is in twoish weeks).

Cisco quicktest Aug 1, 2019

By any chance u can tell i have a verbal offer from other company but I m still negotiating on numbers or they havent disclosed numbers yet??

IBM LeavingIBM OP Aug 1, 2019

They have but I wasn't sure if it's fine to discuss the numbers

BBDO sxYo02 Aug 1, 2019

They just don't want to waste your time or theirs.

ConocoPhillips fisshy Aug 11, 2019

I declined Seattle offer because I wanted to be in Boston. Recruiter told me I couldn’t stay with same team but they are looking for Boston roles for me and I don’t need to reinterview

IBM LeavingIBM OP Aug 11, 2019

Any update on that, so you're just staying at your current company till they find something?

ConocoPhillips fisshy Aug 11, 2019

I took a different offer because I needed to move to Boston. Willing to quit for an AWS position though..