Tech IndustryJun 4, 2021

Advice on getting noticed by faang recruiters?

How can I make myself more marketable? My LinkedIn profile seems fine, but obviously I’m missing something. I have 5 yoe, decent algo and systems design knowledge. Strong Linux internals and automation skills. Lots of experience with all major devops tools. I list all accomplishments as: accomplished x as measured by y I don’t have a populated GitHub though, which is currently my biggest concern. A manager at G said he’d give me an interview if he were reviewing applications, and yet I haven’t gotten any callbacks since applying to SE roles at Google and Apple. Clearly I’m doing something wrong. Any advice? TC:🥜

Facebook eEQT25 Jun 4, 2021

Get referrals. DM for FB 😃

Shopify zerocode Jun 4, 2021

Can I also DM ?

Tableau BLRb58 Jun 4, 2021

Why are people obsessed with FAANG?

SAS segfaultex OP Jun 4, 2021

The money is great and my dad is in poor health

Amazon hfdh6jgf Jun 4, 2021

Work at Amazon for a year and you'll get tons of messages. It's super easy to get a job at AMZ, we'll hire anyone.

Verizon OnlyFANGMs Jun 4, 2021

But you need to leetcode, right?

Amazon hfdh6jgf Jun 4, 2021

Doesn't hurt. I did 20 or so leetcode problems before my interview. The problems aren't too bad though, taxi cab numbers, two sum, valid sudoku, etc