
Which company to choose

After a number of applications, and an even fewer number of interviews, I have finally reached the end of my rope. I had given myself a timeline to test how I would fare in the current market, and now that the end is near, I would need to cease pursuit. Quite frankly I'm a little relieved, as I had started to grow weary of the process. The stress of performing well against the uncertainty to come starts to take its toll. I didn't get to interview with the companies and with finished twith some of the places I had hoped to get in. Alot of 'thanks but no thanks' emails, ghosting by recruiters that contacted you in the first place, unfathomably slow application processing, and so on. This year was my first time getting in on the leetcode grindstone, my strategy was to do the Blind 75, and go from there. The plan kinda went off the rails, as I had assumed the overall list difficulty based on the first couple of questions in the list. I couldn't maintain a set number of problems per day, as some topics were easier to vibe with than others. And I also had to learn to fill the gap between knowing how to approach the problem on a high level and implementation. Now looking back the effort seems for naught, as all the places I landed ended up not using LC type questions for their assessments. But I have mixed feelings about leetcode, some of the questions are insane to be asked in an interview, but at the same time one could learn a lot from each question. And highlighting these lessons can display a degree of technical depth during interviews, especially with non LC companies. This also helps in making the interview feel a bit more relaxed. My apologies, I have digressed quite a bit. These were some of the places I was able to get the ball rolling but no strike: UHG (recruiter afk after 2nd interview), Elastic (OA), McDonald's (HireVue), State Farm (HireVue), Prime Video (OA, side note: like 5 different recruiters reached out around the same time) Tiktok (1st tech interview, medium LC (had seen before) completed, working code, even though it was just the first round, I was so happy afterwards. Couple of days later received an automated email) Chewy (Still in progress, but I might have to cancel. Just starting the process as I'm finishing at other places) SN: I have a self destructive habit of saying yes to everything, almost everything. And that's definitely added to the stress. So any recruiter with a position remotely technical, I'm scheduling meeting times. At first it was fine, then the number grew, and you also have to maintain previous ignited relationships. I had to start ignoring them, which I initially intended to avoid, cause I know how it feels to be on the receiving end. I honestly just wanna delete my LinkedIn after this whole thing. As for the eggs that made it out of the fire, we have: Target, SAP concur, Best Buy By some miracle I was able to schedule these close enough, to have them all be at offer stage together. Don't how people do this with multiple top tech companies, while maintaining their fulltime jobs. I salute you all. I really wanted to draw from the wisdom of crowds on which to choose. Me personally I'm leaning towards Target, I'm basing this just on the overall vibe of everyone I met with, during the interview process, from recruiter to team. I think they outshined collectively more than any other group I've seen so far. The 'but' part of this is, based on what I've seen on levels, I feel the offer to come might be on the low end of the bunch. But I also don't want to join the highest bidder if it means me starting on another job hunt due to workload stress. TL:DR I applied to a bunch of places and now it's come down to SAP concur, Target, and Best Buy. Which would you vote for TC: unemployed YoE: 2+

85 Participants
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Uber zlXm86 Oct 13, 2021

Succeed where you are at. Opportunities will present themselves in time.

SCE schwiftty OP Oct 13, 2021

Great advice, thank you

Uber zlXm86 Oct 13, 2021

You are welcome. It’s not just career advice.

IBM mDeM13 Oct 13, 2021

Writes a 10 page essay but doesn’t post offer TCs

SCE schwiftty OP Oct 13, 2021

Haa. So according to the teams, I've moved to the offer stage, but I'm yet to receive first drafts. That's I wanted to get a pulse of people's thoughts before that came into play.

Microsoft tech-yogi Oct 13, 2021

TLDR - too self centered to expect people will read random cryptic essays from strangers on an anonymous app.. move on to the next one.

Microsoft FG>A>M>>>A Oct 14, 2021

Literally nobody is reading that mate

SAP i123456 Oct 14, 2021

SAP Concur is an absolute dumpster fire. Stay the fuck away from anything related to SAP

Deloitte hdjdnd Dec 3, 2021

I am currently interviewing for SAP Concur Travel Engineering Team. Can you explain why?

Target redox Oct 17, 2021

Target is pretty mellow, though it can obviously vary team to team. The culture may or may not be for you. It can be conflict-averse to a fault, often leaning passive aggressive. Some people are very wary of change. IME: Reorgs once a year ish - not necessarily with layoffs, just constantly changing org structure, which is annoying. I know people who have had seven bosses in six years. But unless you blatantly harass someone or do literally no work, PIPs and such are practically unheard of. Lots of folks (often parents) here to coast. Also lots of young people cutting their teeth in tech until they move somewhere more interesting.

Best Buy bbwhy Dec 26, 2021

What did you do OP?

SCE schwiftty OP Feb 25, 2022


Chewy #78be21 Feb 24, 2022

I'd try again for Chewy. They'll give you a higher TC than Target.