Alphabet (GOOG): Buy/ Hold or Sell?

And arguments for and against? Investor sentiment seems fundamentally opposed to Google right now, which makes me suspect it’s a good moment to buy.

Amazon qxVw65 Mar 5

Buy in troves

Amazon hMGB70 OP Mar 5

I will. I’m going to buy in cloves.

PayPal AlexGPT Mar 5

Even if it’s near the top, it’ll likely have an exhaustion move to $200 to unload.

Remitly RemitDeez🥜 Mar 6


PayPal AlexGPT Mar 6

You know that’s whole buy-low/sell high concept? There’s liquidity there.

Toast sn7hw Mar 5

No why would you buy when it’s down? Buy it when it reaches all time highs so that you can sell low

Salesforce ImNotMarcB Mar 5


Uber wh1ter0se Mar 6

I am DCAing all the way!