PoliticsFeb 14, 2019

Amazon Pulls Out of Planned New York City Headquarters

Probably the biggest Amazon return to date. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/02/14/nyregion/amazon-hq2-queens.html

Amazon Pulls Out of Planned New York City Campus
Amazon Pulls Out of Planned New York City Campus
Facebook vhqodifh Feb 14, 2019

If Bezos doesn't pull out, he risks losing half of the other half of his money.

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Oracle lHEA77 Feb 14, 2019

lol, the liberals might have thought that but the real lefties see this as a victory actually. They didn't want to extract concessions, they just wanted Amazon to gtfo, which they are now doing

Amazon HexBug Feb 14, 2019

Bezos: "I didn't look outside of Seattle just to deal with this shit." Socialists get what they wanted: no new jobs, no new growth.

Google jrg1s9 OP Feb 14, 2019

Bezos was looking for a massive tax exemption from Cuomo so he's no saint either. But yes the local DSA was involved in the pushback and they're typically morons.

Apple 🗣ur🧠 Feb 14, 2019

Good. This corporate welfare has got to stop. Amazon, just pick a fucking location and start building without a spectacle of panhandling for money. Nobody cares anymore. We really need an interstate pact to ban corporate welfare and sweetheart deals with tax payer funds. It makes no difference in the net economic activity. It only changes the location of where the net economic activity takes place. Let cities compete with their actual merit. Their local talent. Their universities. Their infrastructure. Their tax policies. And let states and cities tax all businesses fairly rather than powdering the spoiled bottoms of some companies and not others. Amazon can’t have their cake and eat it too. If you want access to a NYC labor talent, universities, and infrastructure, you gotta pay to play.

Amazon jtGV66 Feb 14, 2019

You make it sound as if companies are a net cost to the city. Without them providing jobs, the city would have nothing.

Apple 🗣ur🧠 Feb 14, 2019

Why does a city have to give Amazon anything? What do they owe the company? Why does a corporation demand special treatment when other businesses don’t get special treatment. Why pick winners and losers? It’s not complicated. And it’s not controversial. A city doesn’t just appear out of a vacuum. It was build by businesses, workers, and tax payers. It’s a valuable organism of services, infrastructure, and people. And businesses depend on this. No city owes a business anything. Nor should they play favorites and penalize others. Just apply one standard to all evenhandedly.

Salesforce tensorchic Feb 14, 2019

My prediction is that they will move outside the US to diversify their talent and not have to deal with the Visa system.

Apple 🗣ur🧠 Feb 14, 2019

👆H1B spotted. J/k

Salesforce tensorchic Feb 14, 2019

Assumptions much? I'm a green card holder.

F5 Networks dTxn27 Feb 14, 2019

Local politicians should stop being played by businesses

Amazon heyyeh Feb 14, 2019

I suspect the change in economic outlook since the hq2 search started is the real reason. Amazon may no longer think it's the right time for rapid expansion.

Microsoft caltrop Feb 14, 2019

This. Local dissent played a role definitely, but given how fast & suddenly this happened, I'm getting the vibe that Amazon was just looking for a suitable excuse to back out.

Microsoft nyaiahk Feb 14, 2019

Yup. The bad retail numbers from last quarter aren't a good sign for 2019. Time to get frugal ... Oh wait ...

Facebook public2 Feb 14, 2019

This is hilarious. I cannot wait for the lawsuits.

Uber lil Blind Feb 14, 2019

Lesson for NY Democrats should be cut taxes universally. Sweetheart tax deals offend the people. If low taxes are good for Amazon, they are good for everyone.

F5 Networks dTxn27 Feb 14, 2019

Amazon can externalize it's cost, individual person couldn't