Tech IndustryMay 21, 2021

Amazon started the so called diversity hire to meet quota

don't know about other companies, but amazon has started this diversity hire for a while, apparently there is a quota for mgrs: 1. it's unfair to those diversity hires, it's hard to meet the bar and I've seen people ended up in pip to meet URA quota, which is kinda genius don't you think? 2. it's unfair to other team members, just ask their experience of working with diversity hires :) my question is, is it really necessary to do this diversity hire? What benefit could Amazon get out from it #amazon #diversity

IBM med_spicy May 21, 2021

This diversity hiring bs has been going on to get more women in tech, in universities they even have organizations blatantly doing this and companies putting signs on hiring booths about diversity hiring. I think managers are given some incentive to get a diversity hire in their team.

NVIDIA VicS44 May 21, 2021

Women from my experience do better work, meet deadlines, don't make rash moves to prove their masculinity, and are simply better at interacting in a team. An example of this is that women led startups return higher than men led ones.,investment%20than%20all%2Dmale%20teams. Look the fact that we second guess ourselves, might be more emotional and don't pretend we know it all doesn't mean we were just a diversity hire. :) I'm not sure about the quotas, but there has to be a way to show that there are multiple ways of executing a task successfully and that's hard to see when you only have had one type of leadership style (white male mostly)

Amazon movingFast OP May 21, 2021

as long as the hiring har is consistent introducing diversity into the tech world is always a good thing hiring more women is not the problem, hiring people from different background is not the problem, the problem is hiring bar not being consistent

Apple buymeahouz May 21, 2021

Do diversity hires get pip’ed at a different rate?

Amazon movingFast OP May 21, 2021

well we don't have the data, I've seen 2 minority hire got piped less than a year in my org

Capital One UXgz46 May 21, 2021

That would defeat the purpose of why companies are doing diversity hires in the first place. The point of DBI is to ensure people are given the same opportunities regardless of race, sex, gender, etc. After the candidate is hired, the expectation would be to treat them exactly the same as others on the team. aes1024 May 21, 2021

Yes and that is why they might be getting pipped. Many of them might need some extra support and push from their managers till they are on equal footing with others. Else they are just gonna perform lower than others or it becomes a big challenge for them to perform without right support and then comes the PiP. Ideally diversity hiring if well intentioned should be done as separate program and they be giving all the assistance needed to ensure they succeed. But well its all a mess anyways. Ultimately its unfair to these hires and i would be surprised that its just happening in Amazon.

Amazon QUJN45 May 21, 2021

This kid is trying to convince himself to join Amazon because that's his best offer 😂

Expedia Group anqnj May 21, 2021

It's the best "managed" quota company. 20% Devlist quota, 15% PIP quota, 20% diversity quota, 200% slavery quota, and the rest. It's the world's most modern evil management.

Techtronic Industries - TTI citykid26 May 21, 2021

My anecdotal opinion, yes. But that's just what's I've witnessed personally

Capital One bobblehed May 21, 2021

Speaking as an underrepresented minority the only thing these diversity programs help me with is maybe getting an initial phone screen. And I still have to have a decent resume that shows I’m qualified. I’m always skeptical of anyone complaining about so called diversity hires. We go through the same interview loops and have to solve the same coding problems as everyone else. It’s just adding more diverse set of candidates to the pipeline. I still get asked LC hard questions in my interviews just like you. And if you treat people who look different or come from a different background with disdain or believe they aren’t qualified for the job maybe that is the reason you see some of these people not do as well once they’re hired. I hope Amazon also makes you losers take bias trainings as well so you can recognize how prejudiced you are.

Foundation Medicine XeyE58 May 21, 2021

I’m a woman in “FAANG” and I believe that we (women) get asked the same questions during the interview loop, but the difference is we may still get the job even if we don’t get the question totally correct. The reason I think this is because 3 out of my 4 technical interviews went well, but the last one did not go that smoothly. Yet I still got the job. I read posts all the time about people giving great interviews in all rounds yet still get rejected. With that being said, I’ve never coasted on the fact that I’m a woman, I’ve done over 600 LC questions in the last year. I do a few every day just to stay sharp. I try to always meet my deadlines and make sure I communicate clearly and treat everyone the way I’d like to be treated, (with respect, make people feel heard/valued, truly listen to what they’re saying and not just waiting for my turn to speak) etc.

BYTON Kbyte May 21, 2021

Diversity hire is different than diversity source. If you keep getting from the same source, you will end up with a hire from that demographic. That's what they are trying to do.

Amazon superglu May 21, 2021

I’m looking at the org chart and Amazon could do a hell of a lot better with diversity at the leadership level. I don’t know why there’s so much emphasis on hiring for diversity when they clearly can’t promote existing employees. Also, no offense but diversity does not mean promoting a white female.

Samsung MBAmaybe May 21, 2021

Increasing diversity is good but the way Amazon is going about it is an EEOC lawsuit waiting to happen. I don't know which orgs have this but a big one in amazon has quotas for interviews as well. For example, you can't give out an offer without interviewing a diverse candidate in a full loop. This is bad for both the diverse candidate and the candidate who is not diverse but passed the interview. It's possible your offer might get delayed because of the color of your skin, gender, etc. SMH.

Synopsys FANBAG May 21, 2021

Why is diversity = women for all the organizations? What about race, hell any races apart from Asian could fall in diversity hire in tech these days.

Techtronic Industries - TTI citykid26 May 21, 2021

Coca Cola has had these quotas for awhile. You a minority on the panel, and a minority in the pool. So the same black guy keeps getting asked to be on the panel, which actually negates having a diverse panel