America is run by criminals who hate America

Lady rocked it Src: Chicago Is No Longer Asleep 👏🏻 Resident Destroys Committee On Immigrant & Refugee Rights “We have an administration that is run by criminals who hate America” “I'd like to start off with something Edward Snowden, a whistleblower once said. He said, when exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime, you are being ruled by criminals” “Everyone in this room recognizes that what's happening surrounding the nonstop influx of illegal aliens is criminal. Everyone recognizes that something evil is among us, and Americans are not ready for the fundamental impacts this will have. In fact, we can't even fathom it because we've never seen anything like this. Right. Never. We have an administration that is run by criminals who hate America. Yes. That is why they protect these criminals. Yes. Police have been instructed from above to not mess with them. Right. So no matter what these criminal aliens do, they're always released. It's not an accident. This is by design. Yes. And we have a garbage media that gets paid for lousy coverage. We have a media that protects criminals. Yes. It seems as if every level of government has been bought out. Yes. It really makes you wonder how many seats in government have been bought out by foreign influence. And we have a government that uses language to weaponize the masses. They're not illegal aliens, they're asylum seekers. Right. Refugees. Right. And they throw these terms around so that the people of America feel guilty. Because nobody wants to be a bad person. We all aim to be good. But there's a distinction between goodness and tolerance. There's a difference between goodness and naivety. And unfortunately, I believe the majority of Americans are not acting out of the spirit of goodness, but rather out of the spirit of cowardliness and naivety. And we have the Committee on Immigrant and Refugee Rights headed by anti-American alderman Andrew Boston. Friendly terms, but I like to call them what they are. The pro criminal committee, the anti-American committee. Yes. They are here not for people, but to destroy America. These groups are enemies of America. How many illegals are you housing in your home, Vasquez? Uh-oh. Since you love them so much, house them in your own home. Use your own money to fund them. Yes. So I have a message to my fellow Americans. You'll watch this on TV or YouTube. That's right. Whose side are you on? Are you on the side of criminals or are you on the side of this country? Right. Stop feeling like you're a bad person for calling them illegals. Stop letting our enemies gaslight us into believing we are racist or anti-immigrant. Right. Speak, girls, speak. She's a new person. A good person is in a coward. A good person stands up for their neighbors. I'll finish with my favorite Martin Luther King Jr. quote. And I hope my fellow Americans ponder this. He once said, the question is not whether we will be extremists, but what kind of extremists we will be. The nation and the world are in dire need of creative extremists.”

Google Got AWACS? Apr 2

This reads like someone forgot to take their meds

ex-Cisco TruSecular OP Apr 2

You are like who takes all meds gobment asks you to

Google Got AWACS? Apr 3

Could you repeat that in English?

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ex-Cisco TruSecular OP Apr 2

If your vote really counts it will be banned

Uber hm okay Apr 3

I really hope this is satire