American Airlines Work Environment at Dallas Fortworth?

Hi, I received an offer from AA as a Software Developer as a contractor. Before I make my final decision, I wanted to know how the environment and people/team is like there. How is the work load like? Are team leads and managers good? Shall I go for it? Please help me make a decision. (Not compensation wise, but with respect to work, environment and team) πŸ™πŸ» Exp: 5 years #needsuggestion #americanairlines #softwaredeveloper #contractor

4 Participants
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MatrixCare pompano1 Mar 11

I've heard from my friend who is working there full time in Data Analytics that the environment is really nice. Myself I connected to people from there on LinkedIn and everyone seems to be very friendly and willing to help

Michaels aurora_ OP Mar 12

Okay. Thank you for letting me know. This puts me at ease.

Investment Bank Glinda Mar 12

Congratulations, OP.

Michaels aurora_ OP Mar 12

Thank you so much. πŸ™πŸ»

Lockheed Martin nRWd22 Mar 14