Tech IndustryDec 4, 2020
Microsoft nopipping Dec 4, 2020

Not a peep from the blind misogynists that were ranting in the other thread. Be careful to note the comment from the other google AI researcher (white male) that his papers don’t get scrutinized the same way. At the end of the day this was about covering up information and google did a really bad job of that 😆

Comscore Suraj43 OP Dec 4, 2020

Thank you . I read all that vitriol and ranting in the other thread and was pretty disappointed . No one wants to discuss or debate about what the research paper was about .

Google Khal-eesi Dec 4, 2020

It wasn't about the research. She sent threatening emails to her employer (almost blackmailing them), and she sent another email to the allyship group to stop working on DEI initiatives. These are the two major reasons why she got fired. If you work for FAANG, you need to abide to their policies.

IAG JNSF6 Dec 4, 2020

If the above article is correct, Google basically got antsy about what is essentially a literature review of the foibles of NLP. "I live in the white house" levels of thin skin on display. It's one thing to ask for a paper to be held past Thanksgiving weekend for review, but it's essentially a harmless raindrop. There are dozens of these papers drawing their bow at minor foibles in AI published every day by publish or perish academics. Regardless of your opinion on the tech or the people involved, the Google leadership team has basically lit a Streisand effect bonfire over *nothing*.

Microsoft nopipping Dec 4, 2020

Or shot themselves in the foot and made a big gaping feethole. Delicious! Wish it wasn’t at the expense of people like her

Comscore Suraj43 OP Dec 4, 2020

Yes the funny thing is that now with this drama there is going to be a lot of additional interest in the paper . While the article gives a gist , I am curious about - what made Google so antsy about this paper considering there are dozens of similar papers on AI Ethics and bias being published everyday.

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Comscore Suraj43 OP Dec 5, 2020

I am not interested in discussing her behavior in this post . There a lot of other posts about that . I am more interested in discussing the paper that Google asked her to retract and why and the events surrounding that which happened before her reaction .

Lyft Jhho06 Dec 5, 2020

Didn’t the article say she only gave a day for peer review? Who gives a day??