HousingAug 7, 2017

Anyone else bored with their SF tech job?

More specifically, craving to move on to something else but you can't because the money is seemingly too easy/too good to pass up? Been on the agency side and startups in the valley for 7+ years. Same story every time-- get the job, get inspired and get the large projects completed, then hack away at smaller and smaller projects until I burn out. I'm not passionate about "the craft" but I've always had a natural knack for product design. Would love a career move but I've been on this track since middle school. I feel like it would be extremely difficult to make the same money in the short term doing something else.

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Noodle flyover Aug 9, 2017

👋 also in product design! I hear you. I moved to SF from NYC to start up our office in San Mateo. Compared to NYC, I find the Bay Area wholly uninspiring. NYC is friendly to consultants/anyone who can hustle their own work. (Freelancers union ftw) I'm perhaps considering going that route.

WRKSHP 999 Aug 8, 2017

I'm not at the point where money is all that great yet in comparison with the rest of you. 🙁

LeadCrunch Geronimo07 Aug 8, 2017

Worth taking a look at San Diego. Lots of new companies sprouting up. The pay is good and cost of living is a lot cheaper than SF. You'll also find that the lifestyle is VERY different to the Bay Area.

Bluebot Perry Grin Aug 8, 2017

The problem you're taking about is called "golden handcuffs". And it only gets worse as you get older and get used to having nicer things. So you can choose to make the big bucks now. And try to live modestly and save our money So if you move the switch won't be so dramatic. Or just realize if you move you will have to adjust, sounds like you're young you really have no wrong choice, if you leave SF you can still make great money in life doing great things. It may take a little longer or you may have to look a little harder.

Optum jla88 Aug 8, 2017

for those tired of SF, is it the cost of living or that factor plus others? just curious

GoodRx XcNo07 Aug 8, 2017

For me, cost of living is one factor. Just paying to live in a decent location is quite expensive and eating out adds up quite a bit. The way I'm looking at it is an investment in myself, in terms of work experience, learning, and working with really really smart people. The other factor is when I moved here nearly a decade ago, the city felt a lot more diverse and had variety, now it just feels like a sea of mediocrity and way too homogenous with tech folks. People are too FOMO and tend to copy and do what other people are doing to fit in. Complete lack of individualism and originality.

Optum jla88 Aug 8, 2017

interesting.. I lived in EBay (Fremont) for a year way back in '90 and really liked it (both work and outside work), but my wife didn't like it and we moved back to where we grew up (MN). Lot of change in 17 yrs.