Tech IndustryJun 13, 2018

Apart from Leetcode, what to prepare for Amazon final virtual interview for internship?

I'm a master's student if that helps. Also, Leetcode easy, medium?

Microsoft melv Jun 13, 2018

Practice coding on a whiteboard.

OSIsoft Sort OP Jun 13, 2018

It's a virtual online interview.

Amazon shibaInus Jun 13, 2018

White boarding skills are still relevant

Amazon Hooliganss Jun 13, 2018

Medium leetcode + leadership principles (one or two examples of personal experiences for each, also identify your three strongest and three weakest)

Salesforce Sforce Jun 13, 2018

In general amazon asks design question as well.I am not sure whether they do so for interns.

Amazon Hooliganss Jun 13, 2018

I don’t recall any design questions during my intern interview

Salesforce Sforce Jun 13, 2018

Thanks for clarifying. 👍

Amazon Baeeezoss Jun 13, 2018

I got no LP but leetcode medium questions. Be prepared to talk a Lil bit about past experience and a couple interesting projects you have done. Chill and do your best! Internship is the most easiest way to get into Amazon

Amazon hLED85 Jun 13, 2018

“talking about past experience” is a form of LPs convo.

Amazon 0x5f3759df Jun 13, 2018

Leadership principles. Know them and be able to talk to them. Since you are an intern don’t worry about think big or frugality, but definitely be able to give an anecdote for things like disagree and commit, ownership, learn and be curious etc.

Amazon hLED85 Jun 13, 2018

make sure to spend time on understanding leadership principles. it’s hard to come up with examples for people without prior production work experience, it’s hard even for people with work experience. but it’s half of the decision to hire, it is also common cause of failed internships.

Amazon GHof23 Jun 13, 2018

Internship interviews are much more simpler than full time interviews. Practice coding of data structures: DFS, BFS, Trees, Tries, Hash Map, Stack, Queue, Priority Queue, Linked List. Make sure you know the complexity (both time and space) for these data structures as well as the popular sorting algorithms. Leadership princples for interns revolve around executing a task from start to finish. This would include the hardships you would face when working as a team, convincing others on choosing the method of execution, resolving conflicts and finally delivering the task meaningfully. Don't forget to enjoy the hour you have while interviewing at Amazon. It will make a difference. Good luck!

Amazon bbws Jun 13, 2018

Try doing a mock interview using online coding editor and get used to it. It feels a bit different from white board coding. And also solid understanding on data structure, algorithm and cs knowledge in general are important. For me I did not do much leetcode, CTCI was enough. Good luck !

Amazon Cali4nian Jun 13, 2018

I can tell you from personal experience that during last Fall’s hiring for this summer, a LOT of people got DS/A trivia questions followed by one or two leetcode problems. I don’t know that I’ve heard of any being asked behavioral/LP related questions. Good luck.