Apple Interview call with hiring manager for Senior Software Developer - Java in ASE org

Hi All. A friend of mine has an interview call scheduled with the hiring manager for senior software developer - Java role in ASE org at Apple. What are all the topics he should cover? TIA! TC: 290k, HWTech

Chegg ny_to_blr Mar 26

You work at apple , you should tell him

Apple yQip55 OP Mar 26

I work in HWTech.

Apple vjsjbs Mar 26

Depends on what team. Be ready for shitty codebases.

Chegg ny_to_blr Mar 26

How bad ?

Apple yQip55 OP Mar 27


Apple uncles@m Mar 27

ASE is shit

Chegg ny_to_blr Mar 27

Care to explain more , which org are you in ?

Apple vjsjbs Mar 28

lol it literally sounds like ASS than ACE.