Tech IndustryJul 10, 2017

Applying for multiple Amazon roles

Hi! Is there any downside in applying to more then one role at a company like Amazon? I'm a PM looking to make a move. I found several roles I'm interested in and wondering if being referred for several at once decreases my chances of being interviewed. Thank you!

Amazon silentme Jul 10, 2017

Definitely apply for more positions if they're in different areas or teams. Recruiting is very fractured by org structure.

Microsoft BBrs23 OP Jul 10, 2017

Thank you. So, if more then one team is interested in you, you can interview for more then one role at once?

Microsoft oLmf30 Jul 10, 2017

They did split loops when I was there. If more than 2 hiring managers phone screen you and want to interview, they might make you choose the 2 roles you're more interested in for a split loop.

Amazon WHXq33 Jul 10, 2017

apply for as many roles as you think are relevant. each org's recruiting team is like a silo. they can see that you have applied to other roles, but they don't think anything of it unless those roles are in the same function and you are interviewed and rejected from those roles.

Microsoft healthyman Jul 10, 2017

I think they will combine to a single interview and you can apply for two teams at most.

Microsoft TaiwanNo.1 Jul 10, 2017

Definitely, Amazon is more like Microsoft instead of general hires like Google and Facebook.