Are Amazon and Tesla good 5-year investments??


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Meta 🌴🌴🌴-! Sep 2, 2022

Tesla is a bet on robotaxis or thinking they’ll dominate the EV market forever. I don’t think it’s a good bet but YMMV. Their valuation basically assumes they’ll achieve one of those two things. If you think both go for it. I doubt either will happen.

Meta no_chill Sep 2, 2022

almost anything that's down that was hot 6 months ago is likely a good investment over the course of five or more years.

Amazon Down2Earth Sep 2, 2022

Amazon 70%, Tesla 30% or work in Amazon and invest TSLA

forsure! Sep 2, 2022

Meta? Would outpace both AMZN and Tesla?

Psynaptic Sep 2, 2022

No. Especially Tesla has a huge ratio meaning people have priced in immense optimism into that company, and it is unlikely to continue to live up these expectations. Tesla will be one of those rare stocks that drops in price when it announces increasing sales or profits. Amazon, maybe.