RelationshipsAug 10, 2019

Are straight men condemned as much for their affairs with married women as women are for their affairs with married men?

Last night when sitting and drinking with some of my all single straight female friends one of my friends confessed that she has been going out with a married man. it didnt take much for the rest of my female friends to just bombard her with criticism and one even went as far as to tell her that she is probably still single because she’s a horrible person. I interjected and said that my friend isn’t cheating on anyone it’s the man who is so we should reserve our criticism for the person who is breaking their promises instead of insulting the “other” woman. Rest assured I was told I am selfish as well . This got me to wondering if a straight men shares his stories about either cheating on his partner or having casual sex with a married person does he face the same criticism ? PS - I’ve never been with anyone whos married or taken !