Tech IndustryMar 26, 2022

Are you a professional android developer that uses an iPhone? Why?

Asking because this is me. I am a senior android developer and I’ve used an iPhone for the past 2-3 years. Why? - Because my family and friends all use iMessage and it’s hard to get them to switch. I am aware of beeper, but I’ve been on their waiting list for over a year now. Similar thing for FaceTime, though I don’t use that much so not a big deal. - Airdropping files to my mac is just so easy and convenient. Also my girlfriend prefers my phones camera to hers a lot (she has an older iPhone), so will often take pictures with my phone (a lot of pictures), and then airdrop them to herself. - The last android phone I had was a Pixel 3xl, and it was just so incredibly buggy and laggy when I needed it most. I know that things have changed. But I have seen a lot of people reporting an ton of bugs with their pixel 6 on Reddit. Also the fingerprint sensor has gotten a ton of bad press on that phone. I would actually prefer a fingerprint sensor to Face ID, Face ID is awful for me. I have looked at some Samsung devices. I used to be into one+ phones, but they’re not really as good anymore. - AirPods and AirTags. I lose my keys a frightening amount, and AirTags are great for tracking that and helping me actually find them. AirPods for audio quality are just fine, but the mic and easy pairing is why I really had them. But I’ve had this fomo recently about switching back to Android out of fear of my (remote) co workers finding out that a senior member of their team does not even use android or own an android phone. I honestly thought about buying a pixel 5 and just using that I were to ever meet any of them in person. For work I just use a company provided phone. I chose to do android development just because I had a history of side projects and college projects with android, so it just felt like a more natural transition for me to do it professionally. I don’t really favor ios over android or android over ios development. TC (non faang health company that you’ve maybe heard about in passing, but don’t know much about) 170k base 12.5% bonus 30k RSU

Meta bupkisFb Mar 26, 2022

Your personal life doesn't have to match your work environment. There is no hypocrisy in an Android developer using an iphone.

Microsoft moalif Mar 26, 2022

Nobody cares. Just use whatever works for you. Thanks for TC

Meta richhea Mar 26, 2022

How are the two connected at all? Do you expect everyone working at McDonald’s do eat only Big Macs?

NVIDIA paxs Mar 26, 2022

I do iOS dev and I use android... I find iOS so counter intuitive, as buggy as my android phone (which is definitely buggy as well). I hate face ID, definitely prefer my fingerprint sensor. But at the end I think it's more about I'm used to it, the cost of moving to iOS is just too high. On the professional side, swift is so much nicer though, I really like it.

xxxyyxyxy OP Mar 26, 2022

Agree with some of your points iOS has become pretty buggy itself. Also I haven’t used swift, but i really like Kotlin. Will have to give swift a try

Microsoft EWEC Mar 26, 2022

I switched to Android development one year ago. I have been using iOS since 2014. I like Android but don’t want to go through the hassle of migrating everything I have on iOS.

xxxyyxyxy OP Mar 26, 2022

What made you switch to android development?

Microsoft EWEC Mar 26, 2022

I had always wanted to learn Android in a professional setting.