Argo AI Interview questions

Hey guys! Could anyone please share information what is usually asked in section: 1. Engineering and System Thinking (Applying DS) 2. ML Model Design & Development 3. Databases / SQL (here I can guess they will ask to code smith in SQL) P.S Ofcourse I tried get info from HR, but it sucked – she is not answer at all. Just said "It will technical Interviews" :)))))))) ). Also can't find this info in Glassdoor #argo_ai #interview #questions

denshaSai2 Jun 25, 2022

It's quite team dependent, perception tracking team asked kalman filter, argo ai research asked me to implement batch norm. Coding won't be leetcode hard though Yep no one knows what eng gonna ask

Yandex _aleksey_ OP Jun 25, 2022

but what about first section it is looks like general (Engineering and System Thinking)