At the interview: What are you trying to get better at?

How do you answer this at a PM interview? And how do you strike the right balance of self-introspection, authenticity, relevance, and initiative to improve without discrediting yourself? Share your answers please.

Amazon o_p Apr 6, 2018

The essence of this question is: is the person I’m about to hire a psychopath? I need to hear empathy, vulnerability, introspection and a growth mind set. Craft your answer accordingly.

Netflix fs92 Apr 6, 2018

Also have an honest answer

Microsoft @zzzzzzz Apr 6, 2018

I will go nuts if I hear growth mindset one more time.

Amazon Sexhaver Apr 7, 2018

I'm learning to listen more actively. Too often in PM settings i have made the mistake of thinking that my people are ready to brief me fully with all relevant and pertinent information. I've been spoiled by working with extraordinary talent in the past who did just that. So now I'm socializing my directs by always asking them follow-up questions during stand-up. Hopefully this will make them more confident presenters and they'll start including the information before I ask in the future.