
Atlassian Karat Interview

My Atlassian recruiter informed me that my 1st round of interview would be with Karat. Has anyone recently interviewed with Karat for Atlassian? My recruiter mentioned that it would be system design coding for Karat's interview, would just the Leetcode tagged questions be enough? Looking for pointers to prep for this interview. #engineering #software #swe #atlassian #karat #interview TC: 180k

ping pongi Nov 14, 2022

Mine was a system design interview with an engineer. Not karat.

Oracle LordSakai Nov 14, 2022

Karat sucks. Every karat interview I have given so far (indeed, wayfair ×2) they all asked lc hard or mediums tending towards hard. If you don't know about karat, they're 3rd party interview service. Any company that doesn't trust its own employees to interview others is a red flag, but given the economy, candidates don't have much say .

Atlassian jskaka Nov 14, 2022

Karat sucks. They don't try to evaluate properly. The process feels inhuman.

Oracle LordSakai Nov 14, 2022

Agreed. When I was frustrated by them, I searched blind to find other people's opinions on karat and they pretty much say the same thing you said.

Oracle LordSakai Nov 14, 2022

Karat interview typically goes like this: First 20-30 minutes, some practical sw engineering/ computer science questions. Next 30-40 minutes, 1/2 coding questions. Aim to finish both coding questions for +ve feedback. Questions will definitely be lc medium/hard.

Amazon TtOQ58 Aug 27, 2023

I completed one question only, should I request a redo?

Oracle joelmiller Aug 27, 2023

Yes. If that's an option. You will need to solve both questions to move forward, at least that's what I have experienced.

tWQF51 Nov 14, 2022

Just tell the recruiter that you are fine waiting a few weeks for the phone screen but you’d prefer it with an atlassian engineer because you’ve heard bad stories about karat

Oracle dessertluv OP Nov 14, 2022

I did request her to setup an interview with Atlassian engineer, but she responded back saying that Karat is mandate for all candidates

Atlassian jskaka Nov 14, 2022

Looks like Karat is the new filter that Atlassian has added.

Keyfactor clerocks Nov 14, 2022

I did mine through Karat and passed it. The interview was broken into mainly two sections. The first was a ~20min section of system design. However, this was a little different from the typical sys design question you may see. There were 5 questions total and essentially you would be given a situation and question about the situation. Along the lines of "here's an app you have that was made for x purpose and now there's a scaling problem. what would look into to fix it?". So it's not exactly designing a whole system but testing your knowledge of systems I guess. The second part of the interview was ~30min for a coding problem. Nothing too crazy and not really LC type imo. Maybe a lighter medium LC if anything. I say it's not really LC though bc it didn't fit into algorithm knowledge really, more like just problem solving with some basic data structures. My interviewer said to focus on completeness over optimization as well. So just get something working and running. There's a compiler and test cases that need to pass.

Oracle dessertluv OP Nov 14, 2022

So the 1st part was more about knowledge testing than coding and the second was more of coding?

Keyfactor clerocks Nov 14, 2022

Pretty much, yeah. It definitely felt algorithmic, as in he was looking to check off boxes. It felt a little less "human" than other interviews I've done so I see why people don't like it but at least my experience wasn't terrible.