Tech IndustryJun 4, 2019

Australia to the bay

I'm a software developer at one of the largest online retailers in Australia with 7 YoE. Would I find it hard to find a job in the bay using my Australian experience? TC: AU140k incl retirement contribution

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BFdg54 OP Jun 4, 2019

Visa is no issue, I have an American partner and can come in the spousal visa (but there's delay before I can work).

Dropbox ui66ty7p Jun 4, 2019

As an Aussie citizen you could get the E3 visa which is only for Australians and is very easy to get if you have a bachelor degree.

Tesla regex Jun 4, 2019

Should be easy if you are a tech savvy and able to leetcode. Visa should not be a problem if you are an Australian.

Dropbox ui66ty7p Jun 4, 2019

I did this. It’s very easy to come here from Australia. Interviewing here the emphasis is on solving hard coding puzzles. Definitely brush up on your leetcode, read cracking the coding interview, etc before you start reaching out to companies and asking for referrals through blind. If you get in to a top tier company as a senior engineer you’ll be making far more than you do in Australia, even taking in to account cost of living here. Feel free to DM me if you like for more info. Other than TC I have found working in the heart of tech to be very challenging and fulfilling. With 12 yoe I felt like I had plateaued, here I am definitely learning. I would strongly recommend even trying some interviews if you are willing to make the move.

Uber NDTj32 Jun 5, 2019

Well yeah of course, you can 3-4x that here at a top tier company. They usually do hiring loops in Sydney. Dunno why more people dont make jump

Uber NDTj32 Jun 6, 2019

Yeah, for sure, and it's a high risk move. I would argue people dont like change either. Australia has it's pros for sure, but I don't think it's superior.