Tech IndustryOct 2, 2018

Behavox glassdoor review

Glassdoor is blocking my review for thr interview so here it is Company: Behavox Experience: I applied through a recruitment agency. First interview was talking to a developer over the phone about the role and my experience and learning more about the team and culture. Then I was sent a programming assigment that takes 10-20 hours to complete. Lastly, there was an interview with 7 people (everyone on the team basically) to ask questions about the programming assignment and my experience. The CTO was on the last call.  Behavox monitors everyone who works there: they monitor email, phone calls, chats. They monitor how you type and write code and run analytics/automated algorithms to asses you and rank your performance based on that. The tech was good. Culture will limit their growth in the long run. Then I was presented an offer (base only, nothing else). I had a call to discuss the offer. A few hours after the call, the offer was rescinded because they no longer thought I was a fit since I cared about the money.  I was told I would be given stock options and bonuses if I contributed enough.  There seemed to be a doubt about how much contribution I would make right off the bat. Interview question: Prototype a system to join different data sources (inner join two csv files) dynamically (read- streaming real-time data)

Glassdoor Vhff Oct 2, 2018

Tell me more

LinkedIn 🐓sucker Oct 2, 2018

They will flag this thread too but what a cheapo lol

Hootsuite hs12345 Oct 3, 2018

Why would they flag?

NewRelic bxjeid8 Oct 2, 2018

Seems like another bullshit big data company. They're a dime a dozen. Also: 1984 much?

Amazon enibve OP Oct 2, 2018

Yes yes to 1984. I had the reference in my original review but glassdoor won't accept it lol