Misc.Nov 5, 2018

Between Tesla, crypto, cannabis and FIRE, I think we have all the lunatics in this country covered.

Funny tweet by someone on Twitter.

Pinterest adspm Nov 5, 2018

He forgot #theresistance

Uber nom082 Nov 5, 2018

What is FIRE?

Intel (⌐■_■) Nov 5, 2018

Financial Independence Retire Early or Young people who don't know that you are still fucked with a couple million in the bank if you or your partner get a terminal disease so you'd better work forever for that sweet company health care plan until you are eligible for Medicare OR get citizenship in a country with universal healthcare

Microsoft Enejvopwqq Nov 5, 2018

Almost all non-Americans (read: most tech workers) have citizenship in a country with universal healthcare, sorry your country is barbaric 😅

Misnthrope Nov 5, 2018

I'm about to put some fire to some cannabis right now!

Intel UGeJ58 Nov 6, 2018

I don't think cannabis is capable of ruining the country if alcohol hasn't first

Amazon biasforact OP Nov 6, 2018

Cannabis stocks was the context