Beware of Thomson Reuters

Just got "laid off" after advocating for a raising for myself and fellow long-term coworkers. We work full-time in the summer, part-time during school through a consulting company (which is really just a way to get around providing benefits). Paid 14.5 / hr with the promise of a job offer senior year. Direct interns made 26/hr. I was giving 26/hr as an attempt to retain me for the summer, but was told not to tell other interns making the lower rate. Well I suppose I'm looking (and my coworkers who are quiting) are looking for referrals or recommendations for job openings at new grad/SDE 1 level. Graduation: Spring TC: 0 (was 26/hr for summer, 14.5/hr school year,) YOE: 1 year, mostly frontend Also, worth looking for another internship/coop in the mean while?

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Thomson Reuters Jflyer45 OP Aug 23, 2022

I really appreciate the encouragement 🙏

TikTok bdwtf Aug 24, 2022

Dm for TikTok/bytedance referral if interested