Big 4 Exiting Opportunities for Risk Management

What are some exiting opportunities and their salary averages for risk management as senior consultant, manager, senior manager, etc.? Assuming experiences are in managing/supporting client's compliance strategies, plans, and programs.

PwC realsanta May 20, 2017

VP to Director - Project / Change Management roles in Finance, Risk and Audit with salaries from $100k to $250k depending on your current salary and years of experience

Deloitte vGFN35 OP May 20, 2017

At what stage is it better to exit? SC, M, or SM?

Deloitte LgKd15 Aug 15, 2017

Right after promotion is always the best time to quit regardless of the title. But if you're a senior and a company is offering you a manager job, why not? It's not like you'd be offered a senior manager job in the industry if you wait for another year and become a manager at a big 4.