BlackRock Analyst interview

Hello, I have an interview with blackrock for a SWE analyst position with the Aladdin product that I plan to schedule sometime within the next 3 weeks and was wondering if anyone could provide any insight on the difficulty and what to expect? TC: 105k #blackrock

Amazon ytjN23 Apr 12, 2023

If backend it’ll just be some relatively easy data structures and algorithms, if frontend it’ll be more frontend specific. And the then some behavioral/resume based questions, but nothing too hardcore Used to work there

JPMorgan Chase JPMChaser OP Apr 14, 2023

Thanks. Do they ask any other system design/ oop questions too?

Amazon ytjN23 Apr 14, 2023

From my experience, no system design as part of intern interviews (I have conducted a couple of intern interviews when I worked there). When you say oop, do you mean leetcode style or something else? From my exp. yes leetcode style. Either they will be fairly easy and expect you to be able to finish or they will be harder and just expect you to make progress and ask the right questions. Fun fact, before blackrock I worked at JPMC within chase digital :)

Amazon ytjN23 Apr 14, 2023

Apologies, thought you had mentioned this was for an intern interview, I see now you said analyst. I still think probably not system design or at worst, very simple system design, but I’m not positive about that

Amazon ytjN23 Apr 14, 2023

In general, I think it’s more up to your interviewers and you will not necessarily get such a structured interview path like at FAANG. It won’t always be 2 coding, 1 system design, etc. Curious, is this for rotational program or for a specific team?

JPMorgan Chase JPMChaser OP Apr 14, 2023

Thanks for all the info! This is an analysis role for the Aladdin project they mentioned on what I applied for. And how’s it compared to JPMC?

Optum atomheart Apr 22, 2023

Hey OP, best of luck. I know you’re interviewing for full time but for what its worth I interviewed for an intern position back in college and it was super standard leetcode easy. How many YOE do you have if you dont mind? And what location?

BlackRock HqRa27 Apr 26, 2023

It’s gonna be something about linked lists or some basic data structure & maybe a more in depth question like coin change or some basic version but with a finance twist because they love doin that. In the on-site they will probably ask you about OOP, Java fundamentals, just any experience you have written on your resume project wise where you led something end to end. Hope that helps!

Optum atomheart Apr 26, 2023

If it’s leetcode style for the ds&a part of the interview, would it be permissible to do that part Python? I know Aladdin is primarily in java and go :/ Potentially have an interview coming up in some time. Thanks!

BlackRock HqRa27 Apr 26, 2023

You can use any language you want! It’s language agnostic usually. Aladdin is primarily in Java Python JavaScript etc there’s a lot of languages and stacks used.