Blend compensation

What should be the expected compensation for a 10 years old Engineer at Blend? Is it fair to expect 250k base + 20% bonus + 1 million in shares per year? Has the 401k match? @blend #blend

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Google ABC-CEO Jan 22, 2020

Glassdoor doesn't have the data?

Facebook uTr86?@ Dec 11, 2021

Because Glassdoor gives accurate data?

Amazon hLbt48 Jan 22, 2020

Damn 10 years old making that much? I was still in elementary school at that age.

EWCK54 Jan 22, 2020


tc400k Jan 22, 2020

A million in shares from Blend? One of my clients competes with them. They’re good, those shares will be worth something. Even if no IPO or acq, ESO fund would give you a good premium on those. This is an unusually high stock amount. If true- do take that offer.

Google jacksparr Jan 22, 2020

"one of my clients"? Are you a recruiter or startup advisor or ..? What is an ESO fund?

tc400k Jan 22, 2020

Startup advisor/consultant kinda thing. ESO Fund is this company that will buy your employee stock in popular private startups before the stock is actually liquid. They give you the cash to exercise your options and a big “premium” for a written agreement to give them some 20-50% of future profit on the stock, if any (no risk).

TripAdvisor blind side Jan 22, 2020

I have an interview coming up. Can you tell me what is the package they offered you

Fiserv eWQc72 Apr 15, 2020

Any idea on blend interview? I have one coming up.

Epic wKbj08 Oct 13, 2021

How did your interview go? Could you please share what they asked?