Tech IndustryAug 8, 2020

Blind company reviews

Amzn has lowest ratings

Bloomberg thevirus Aug 8, 2020

Not a surprise

HERE Doij05 Aug 8, 2020

Hello, do you mind if i DM you for referral?

Bloomberg thevirus Aug 11, 2020

Not at all! Feel free to DM

The Linux Foundation Dopplere Aug 8, 2020

Why vmware rating is so less now some time back it was around 4.2

Yelp FHend Aug 8, 2020

Yet the Google internal blind is just a bit*hing party about Ruth, leftists, and stock price 🙄

Oracle CTO Larry Aug 8, 2020

Why the fk is Oracle not even on the list ?

Amazon qiusha Aug 8, 2020

Why Bloomberg is so high as FG?

Amazon BayesKnees Aug 8, 2020

Most folk on blind care about either or both : a) TC b) WLB. I presume Bloomberg is high because of b).

VMware hp75Tkl Aug 8, 2020

This is accurate. Personal growth (not promotion) but learning and marketability is fastest in Amazon. Not many here seem to care about that.