Jobs & ReferralsSep 21, 2023
Capital Onekhtr8h5k1

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana - referral request

I am looking for referral request, as my work experience fits very well with the job requirements. Thank you in advance! #referral #bcbsl

Lead Data Engineer (Remote) in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, United States
Lead Data Engineer (Remote) in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, United States
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana Jobs
@ Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizo
@Blue Cross and Blue Shield of NE
Blue Cross Blue Shield nacho1234 Sep 23, 2023

Not sure if you had any luck, but the companies you @ at do not include bcbsla BCBSLA is an independent plan. Anthem is in the process of acquiring them. So you might want to @anthem The acquisition is rather interesting because bcbsla is a mutual legal reserve company making the policy holders the primary stakeholders which need to vote to approve it. What’s more interesting is where the money is going. Anthem is going to pay 2.5 billion to purchase bcbsla and the money along with .5 billion held by bcbsla is going to roll into a nonprofit aimed at helping the people of Louisiana by addressing health inequalities across the state.