Tech IndustryJun 30, 2021

Business intelligence analyst vs Data analyst at square

Currently a BIE at amazon. I passed the SQL assessment for BIA at square (they don’t have BIE so apparently BIA does the same) but someone further in the process got the offer. They’re offering to set me up to continue the interview for a data analyst role on another team. It seems like the requirements are similar but I’m not really down with the title change back to data analyst because it seems counterproductive to my career goals (want to move to data engineer eventually). I’d love to work at square and don’t want to bail on the entire opportunity, but I’m just not into a DA title at all. Im wondering if you kind people could offer any advice on how to proceed in this situation. TC 125k

BMO faraf Jun 30, 2021


Amazon LP_Cult OP Jun 30, 2021


Apple MeiGuo Jun 30, 2021

As someone who’s been around for a bit, let me tell you titles don’t matter, it’s the work you do.