10 years of marriage

I’m 34, she is 36. Moved to the states 6 years ago. Always been GC holders. My wife hasn’t been working and seems not interested. No kids, no house. We’ve been living together as roommates for the past 3+ years. I don’t have feelings, she neither but seems don’t want to admit it. It’s all just a habit at this point. We mutually benefit from this marriage to a certain point. She doesn’t need to work. I don’t need to cook/clean. Yet no one is happy. My concern is following the Californian’s rules, after 10 years of marriage if we decide to get separated she could expect 50% and lifetime alimony. It’s a bit of a concern…

Groupon nope.. May 7

Why can't you get couples counseling and try to get the marriage work?

Meta ExDX04 OP May 7

I don’t think we love each other. There no sexual attraction/passion. Do you think the therapy can help in this case? It feels like we re siblings

Meta mnbvcxq May 7

You can use three years old date of separation

Meta ExDX04 OP May 7

But we haven’t been separated, we live together.

Apple aplbag May 7

Why no kids?

Meta ExDX04 OP May 7

Good question. But probably it’s for the best

Amazon jassyJassi May 7


Meta ExDX04 OP May 7


Datadog vostok1 May 7

She’ll always get 50%. Seems pretty pointless at this stage so might as well avoid lifetime alimony

PayPal ItIr34 May 8

Hire a hitman, get over with it

Apple HypeOS May 8

Alimony even without children?

Meta ExDX04 OP May 8

Yes, to ensure the same level of living maintains outside of marriage

Amazon gwoqo May 8

Why is she not working ? Did she ever work ?

Meta ExDX04 OP May 8

Not in this country. Doesn’t want to do basic jobs, but don’t have experience/skills to work as a professional

Meta do-good😇 May 8

Move back to home country. Doesn't that bypass US laws?

Salesforce fMAB46 May 9

What if u also quit job?

Meta ExDX04 OP May 10

Rip 🤣 that’s why this marriage kills me