Tech IndustryDec 31, 2019

Can I leetcode with company computer?

Thought it is ok to use work computer to do leetcode. Recently heard someone saying it is risky as your code is submitted to the leetcode server, they can argue you leak company code...Does this make sense? Isn’t it like submitting a web form?

Google swinglyf Dec 31, 2019


IHBr47 Dec 31, 2019

Do you think they’re tracking you to that level? What you do at home via the web? If so what’s your TC, surely you can afford a chrome book if the paranoia is so real.

eBay goto2020 OP Dec 31, 2019

I have an old pc from 12 years ago. It is slow and I only use it for YouTube. Been doing everything meaningful on company, no immediate needs for a new one.

IHBr47 Dec 31, 2019

Unless the immediate need is prepping for interviews on a non company laptop your afraid they’re tracking every move on. (Announcer: they’re not)

Google dinoball Dec 31, 2019

I don’t think doing leetcode is against any kind of company policy. I do everything on my company laptop because I don’t see any point in carrying two laptops around.

Cisco 🙎🏿‍♂️🍉🍗🚔👩‍👧 Dec 31, 2019

I did it for 6 months lol

eBay goto2020 OP Dec 31, 2019

I have been doing it for 3 times using 3 companies laptop when looking for the next job... never worried...just curious how people think when I recently hear some different thoughts

IBM PennSt Dec 31, 2019

I did it. Moreover I had even bookmarked LC in Chrome and everyone could see it when I used to share screen sometimes in meetings

AT&T messamov Dec 31, 2019

I did phone interviews on my work computer, but I'm a degenerate 😬

eBay goto2020 OP Dec 31, 2019

I actually have to use the work computer-that’s the only one I can use

Google dinoball Jan 1, 2020

I do the same, whether interviewing others or getting interviewed by others, all on my work laptop.

IBM PennSt Dec 31, 2019

I have even given screen share coding interviews on my work laptop