Misc.Jun 28, 2023

Can MSFT folks see HM for a role?

If Job is posted on the website. MSFT HRs are becoming lazy af like apple.

Microsoft euNXing Jun 28, 2023


Microsoft gggfox Jun 29, 2023

Yep. Can see it from the internal board

Microsoft cloudeu Jun 29, 2023

Yeah, can see it on careers if you're logged on with your employee AAD acct.

Microsoft mav015 Jun 29, 2023

yes you can

Microsoft VzwA75 Jun 29, 2023


Microsoft M3diumRare Jun 29, 2023

Follow up question: If I am referring someone, is it badly seen if I drop a note to the hiring manager saying “Hey, I am referring X, thought I’d let you know…”? Or should I just refer and move on?

Microsoft Zaphod! Jun 29, 2023

I usually appreciate referrals and dropping a note if they're actually qualified or bring something interesting to the role. The ones that are "this is the kid of a good buddy"... not so much.