Misc.Feb 24, 2023

Can you work on a startup idea on h1b

If you are laid off and on h1b and are jobless for some time before joining the next company, can you work on a startup idea since I am not working in any company.technically I am still on payroll with company a but on administrative leave How do people get around it? By having a founder who is on green card. Like i cant even built a website using square space/wordpress.

MathWorks notsofine Feb 24, 2023

Following for answers

Micron HzMH00 Feb 24, 2023

Can you fall in love on h1b?

Visa LVxE70 OP Feb 24, 2023

Yes but no sex

Fintech Company hnQx64 Feb 24, 2023

So technically you can start a business, invest in it but you can’t legally work for it unless the business files for a concurrent H1B for you. I have actually successfully gone through this process so if you want more details feel free to DM