VC & Private Equity FirmBznX60

Capital one or Columbia mscs

Working in a consulting oriented role. Accepted to Columbia mscs and capital one SWE. Which gets to fang faster?

Microsoft natyasada Feb 24

Would you continue working with Columbia mscs?

VC & Private Equity Firm BznX60 OP Feb 24

Was not planning but I guess I could

Microsoft natyasada Feb 24

Then its a better option than cap one

Bloomberg FINr14 Feb 24

You can do both at the same time

qDTq30 Feb 24

My thinking would be: If the cost + opportunity cost of the masters is of no concern to you and your only goal is to minmax your path to faang, or you are set on going into a speciality field where the masters would benefit you e.g. ML, then do Columbia. If those assumptions don't hold (which they don't for the vast majority of people), then it becomes tough to justify. I know a few years ago Capital One had a reputation as a faang feader, couldn't tell you if that's changed recently or not.

JPMorgan Chase fixh53 Feb 24

C1 for sure. Entry level jobs are the hardest to get so there will be less competition if you have work experience. Also c1 is good enough to pass resume screen

Capital One ChasingIt Feb 24

Is this like a legit masters or is it all online multiple choice masters to get a piece of paper to say you were Ivy League? If it’s in-person and legit, go to Columbia. I guess C1 isn’t the promised land but it’s work experience, which I suppose is rare these days

Capital One pSVU00 Feb 26

Prior to joining Capital One I worked on a masters part time at a school that’s ranked in the top 30 for CS. the masters and work experience definitely helped me get into Capital One and has set me up for a another career move up the prestige ladder in the future. If you can pull it off, do both. It will totally suck for 2-3 years, but not paying the opportunity cost of full time school is totally worth it in the long run.