Tech IndustryMar 18, 2020

Career Change - MBA or Coding Bootcamp + Online MS program

I am a 30 years old mechanical engineer and I want to make a career switch in the United States. I like business/consulting slightly more than computer programming, but I believe both SFE or consultant can give me a comfortable and fulfilling life after doing tons of research. I got MBA offers from UCLA and Michigan Ross, but without scholarships. The total cost for 2 years MBA program can cost up to 230K. And I might need to borrow majority(150k) of it with a staggering APR of 5-7%.The prospect of having so much debt and the economy uncertainty makes me scared. I have another idea of taking coding bootcamp in summer and applying for OMSCS(Georgia Tech Online MS - Computer Science) next spring. After graduating from coding bootcamp I will look for apprentice program to hone my skill and also look for job. The cost will be less than 30k and I can start looking for job sooner. However, judging from current economy environment, I might not be able to find a job soon. Could anybody give me some suggestion? #MBA #bootcamp #SFE #Careerswitch #OMSCS #Onlinems #softwareengineer

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Fluke HxDG55 Mar 18, 2020

Some companies are canceling MBA internships so take less debt and choose a career with a higher median (maybe not mean) wage.

Cox Automotive bigOoO Mar 18, 2020

What's SFE?

Allied Air cOzn76 Mar 20, 2020

Software engineer

Cox Automotive bigOoO Mar 21, 2020

Lol, we call it SWE

Jet GgcE62 Mar 18, 2020

Those are elite business schools

Thumbtack YxLH53 Mar 18, 2020

Curious why would you get a master's and an apprenticeship after the bootcamp? I went straight to a 120k job at an eCommerce (furniture) place right after a 9wk bootcamp / no bachelor's, working next to people with master's and phds. I think you can go get a master's if you're targeting a specialized subfield like ML but otherwise just get out there and start getting paid and learn on the job IMO. I don't know anything about the MBAs.

jAAb82 Oct 29, 2021

What do you think future career prospects are? I see people here taking about 300+ after 3-4 yoe, can bootcamoers get close to that?