ChatGPT will replace software engineers

There's lots of copium in SWE forums these days about how ChatGPT can only write simple programs and can't integrate into large codebases and therefore software engineers will always have a job. That's true for now, however, I can imagine a total paradigm shift where ChatGPT is making the entire codebase to begin with and since it knows the structure, it can integrate into its own large codebase. It's like codegen files that are 10k+ lines long and impossible to write or read by humans but it doesn't matter because it was made by code. Humans will then take the role of verifying code (reading the output but in preliminary stages, reading the code too). Furthermore, it is easier to integrate rules about how to write code in a way that is most optimal for the compiler and rules about style to AI than to teach humans these rules. There is less worry about tech debt because code can become a black box and only needs to be improved when the binary size is too big, etc. In many sub-fields like front end there is lots of boiler plate to begin with that can easily be automated away. For example, Google already has AI that can predict "key" as the next word in code like `auto x_key = make_key(); auto x_val = map.find(x_` In some sense, coding is one of the least creative tech jobs out there. How many tickets have we had where it's something like "write a function that reads this data and computes this function and outputs this data". The vast majority of SWE work does not involve innovative, large-scale design from the ground up. It's just moving data around from one format to another and computing stuff from that data. AI is most able to replace jobs that are not creative. Overall I think the next step is that AI will write all or at least the majority of code while humans only verify. Edit: here's another example I thought of. When higher-level languages first came out, I'm sure many Assembly programmers thought humans will still need to write Assembly by hand because the compiler is too crude to understand context and can generate sub-optimal code. Now, we know that it is almost never better to write your own Assembly and compilers can generate much faster code. Compilers generate code while humans supply a higher-level specification (i.e. higher-level programming language). In the future, ChatGPT can generate code (maybe even in Assembly directly) while humans supply a higher-level specification in some kind of config file.

703 Participants
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Hopper outRef Dec 7, 2022

What’s the move then? MBA, JD, MD, skilled manual trade?

Goldman Sachs FNaH85 Dec 7, 2022


Amazon I 👩‍💻 for 🥜 Dec 7, 2022

OnlyFans? You haven’t seen diffusion models, have you?

Investment Bank Bi-Coastal Dec 7, 2022

It's several years down the road, but many coding jobs will be replaced by automation as will jobs in other sectors. That's why it is important to always be learning.

Wayfair buuudddd Dec 7, 2022

It's gonna get ridnof many other jobs first like writing ad lines, marketing, design

Zscaler vJPs50 Dec 7, 2022

MSN replaced their curative team with AI and suddenly MSN started posting stories of bigfoot and mermaids.. Look at news orgs, the right leaning ones are batshit crazy.. I feel like AI is good for art but all chatbots before this turned racist and were pulled within 2 days

Wayfair buuudddd Dec 7, 2022

They turn racist for a reason...

Airbnb KARE23 Dec 7, 2022

Someone who knows software needs to give it instructions

Hudson River Trading hrtpolls OP Dec 7, 2022

So then a software engineer's responsibilities will be to make config files and verify output.

Zscaler vJPs50 Dec 7, 2022

We get like 15 emails and 10 Jira tasks in every sprint. Will an AI be able to juggle it all? There is a lot of tooling needed which my org currently doesn't have for automation of day to day processes... So 100% automation is first needed

Infosys Iampiped Dec 7, 2022

ChatGPT is doing my office work from last 3 days. Stuck on error? Asked ChatGPT. Lazy to make class and write function? Tell chapgpt to do it. Not able to understand code base? Asked ChatGPT to explain. It's not always accurate but absolutely loving it. Even my manager is using it😂

ServiceNow Dec 7, 2022

Saw infosys checks out

Infosys Iampiped Dec 7, 2022

Few more months 😝

Meta blueverse Dec 7, 2022

Well... Then there'll be rise of "handmade code", and "artisanal code". Come on man.. Be creative 🤣

Meta VestaResta Dec 7, 2022

I’m starting to think that you might be non-tech back office at HRT…

DoorDash tJPs14 Dec 7, 2022

Tell me you are a junior without telling me you’re one…

Cisco 8JtPtARQBn Dec 7, 2022

I only don’t believe this because I don’t believe AI can be smarter than the average Indian dev, and it’s already pulling teeth to get working software written by contractors.

VMware ihdujn Dec 7, 2022

Average Indian dev can be replaced by chat gpt

Google ggjbfdfhhg Dec 7, 2022

OP is probably non tech and does not like to code?