Tech IndustryMay 16, 2020

Coderpad Interviews

While leetcoding, leetcode provides the boilerplate code (main, parsing code etc). What are the expectations in Coderpad interviews like that with Facebook? Is the boilerplate provided or am I supposed to write it as well? Am I supposed to compile and run on a real testcase? Is the testcase provided? #facebook #amazon #google #leetcode #coderpad

spartan7 May 16, 2020

Same question. Also what about libraries, remember them too?

Johnson & Johnson xLHI17 May 16, 2020

Facebook doesn't compile or run your code. What would you need boiler plate for?

Synopsys droc OP May 16, 2020

That was the question: does it require you to compile and run?

Johnson & Johnson xLHI17 May 16, 2020


Amazon NeatCode May 16, 2020

I didn't run my code, the interviewer was knowledgeable enough to go over the logic of my code. But generally speaking you don't want to waste time writing include statements and things like that. Just focus on the core logic by building one or two functions that accomplish the job

Synopsys droc OP May 16, 2020

Are you speaking about Amazon interview or FB/G?

Amazon NeatCode May 16, 2020

Amazon interview, I haven't done Google or FB interviews. But most ppl say that Google does the interview in Google docs, so what does that tell you?

Google Iamsorry May 16, 2020

I have done dozens of those. There are companies that do run it and you do need to include the libraries. Just double check with your interviewer. And yes you write really simple test cases in your main method. No fancy unit test. Simply print out stuff

Synopsys droc OP May 16, 2020

Can you please name some of the companies that do that?

Google Iamsorry May 16, 2020


PayPal gsGi77 May 16, 2020

My experience with FEE interviews, FB does not turn on compiling feature of Coderpad. Interviewers will just read through your code, so be wary of edge cases. Do not expect any boilerplate beyond expected input/output - problems are given verbally. Didn't need to write any test cases, at most it was just talking through them. If you don't know a specific API, it's usually fine as long as the logic is sound. However, you should have a solid grasp of core language APIs.

Synopsys droc OP May 16, 2020

Did you do the interview in C++?

PayPal gsGi77 May 16, 2020

No, JS

Microsoft cabbageq May 16, 2020

Nobody runs code

Palo Alto Networks srelifesks May 16, 2020

Wrong,recently interviewed at twitter and Apple, both asked to compile and run

Synopsys droc OP May 16, 2020

Were they using coderpad at Apple and Twitter or was it something else?