LayoffsAug 14, 2023

Cognizant Referral

Non swe role, unique match to my skills and experience. I’m EU based. After 18 months of searching, finally landed something at a startup in the spring and was laid off in a 20% RIF after only 5 weeks. Took a job to survive but it isn’t making ends meet. Someone throw this dog a bone. TC from €75k to €19k 😅 #cognizant #referral #layoff

PubNub ELAU43 Aug 14, 2023

Job protection isn’t great In EU as well? 🥹

myru OP Aug 15, 2023

It was remote for an American company.

SAP Astr0Pilot Aug 17, 2023

Are you interested in SAP? Happy to provide a referral - Send me a message!