Tech IndustryDec 26, 2021

Coinbase pays in Crypto, do you take it?

According to their website, they offer to pay you in crypto. How many of you that work at Coinbase take your pay in crypto? If you do, how much of your TC comes in form of crypto? Which coins? TC: 120k #coinbase

Andreessen Horowitz web3 Dec 26, 2021


Qualcomm user23823 OP Dec 26, 2021

Do you work for coinbase? Can you provide numbers?

Ubisoft leetcdbruh Dec 26, 2021

Lmao, company and names checks out.

Meta gurenge Dec 26, 2021

Is the benefit of this compared to buying crypto yourself the fact that you avoid the fees? Or are there tax benefits as well

Qualcomm user23823 OP Dec 26, 2021

good questions

gtFb16 Dec 26, 2021

But, you already have no fees to buy on their platform if you work for them.

Alexei R&D Dec 26, 2021

You gotta be insane not to take it

Qualcomm user23823 OP Dec 26, 2021

I agree. I was hoping to hear some numbers to see how people split up their TC with it

Amazon 8bde73;{ Dec 26, 2021

Well, no. Money is money if you hold the exchange rate constant. If you want crypto appreciation (or appreciation of any asset) you just need to buy the asset with cash. For all the technical intelligence on Blind, simple mental accounting tricks played by companies like Coinbase make people here look like idiots.

Coinbase FFTUB Dec 26, 2021

I donโ€™t think there is any benefits with the current Bitcoin payment. You simply can get the cash and buy whatever crypto you want. Lock the Bitcoin rate for a period of time and pay me with that locked price and Iโ€™m in ๐Ÿ’ฏ

Qualcomm user23823 OP Dec 26, 2021

What's the current set up?

Ubisoft leetcdbruh Dec 26, 2021

Learn what lightning is. Their office is down the street from coinbase ๐Ÿ™‚

Yahoo Yahoodi Jan 3, 2022

Is it all post tax?