Tech IndustryApr 6, 2021

Coinbase pip/firing culture

Currently in the interview process for Coinbase. Want to learn more about their performance management culture. Is it like Amazon where managers have a quota to fire/place on pip or more like Facebook/Stripe where manager can fire you without PIP? Also how easy/tough is it to be let go? Are managers reasonable? Reason for this question: Psychological safety is important to me, I do not perform well in hire fast, fire fast cultures. #coinbase

Amazon ind369 Apr 6, 2021

That's a good question 😸. That hire fast and fire fast culture leads to tribalism and toxicity.

Coinbase flightdeck Apr 6, 2021

too short at the company to give a qualified opinion, but it doesn't appear to me that there's a pip culture. frankly I've rarely seen companies in hyper growth mode to pip. Once a ceiling in growth is reached things might look different.

Microsoft lambadiπŸ‘“ Mar 12, 2022

How about now??

Coinbase aabbcce Apr 6, 2021

high organic turnover β€” very few PIP

Amazon coinu OP Apr 7, 2021

Thanks for your response. Do you know what percentage of people are let go in performance season?

DigiCert 007ugor Feb 20, 2022

@OP did you join coinbase? And did you notice any PIP culture ?