PoliticsMay 27, 2020

Cold war 2.0?

the conflict between US and China seems like getting more and more intense now. Trade war isn’t even over yet. Coronavirus US do everything it can to kill Huawei China pass Hong Kong security Law. US prepare to sanction China. US ban all Chinese STEM students Let alone all those trump supporters waving anti-China flags. It seems like China and US will go on for a full confrontation and neigther side will back down. What do yall think here? 1. Is US realeste/stock still a good place to park cash? 2. Will US install some nazi law to clean up all people with Chinese origin? 3. Seriously why the stock is still going up?

79 Participants
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Quora Luckforme May 27, 2020

Anti China flags they are waving are made in China. Lol. It is the reality and everything will be fine.

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Oracle iOFR21 May 27, 2020

atleast talk some sense

Google truzy May 27, 2020

No more quarantine wine for you, sir.

Facebook 1nullptr OP May 27, 2020

Trump kept saying he and Xi are very good friends. But I guess he just like Putin more than Xi. That is just sad.

Salesforce HowdieD May 28, 2020

Trump admires and is jealous of Xi. He always wants to be a dictator like Xi. It's a love and hate relationship

LinkedIn 🥚# May 28, 2020

Putin and Xi are friends. Trump is the FOMO kid that wants to be part of the club. Instead, Putin dangles a carrot and plays him like a fiddle 🎻

X Æ A-42 May 27, 2020

AFAIK, neither China’s national security law nor US’s Secure Campus Act has been passed yet, they are still being voted on. Plus, the price would be too high to have another full-on Cold War, and I doubt anyone would support that except few Trump fanatics. We’ll see.

Facebook 1nullptr OP May 27, 2020

The hong kong security law will mostly pass, 99% yes, if not 100%, it is not like China has a real congress. The secure campus act may or may not pass, but for sure it is adding more fuels to the fire already

X Æ A-42 May 27, 2020

True dat. Gonna be interesting to see how things will play out in HK, in a sad way.

Google truzy May 27, 2020

Great time for a Cold War. All our major companies’ workers are WFH with suboptimal InfoSec.

LinkedIn igotb& May 28, 2020

This conflict was long overdue.

Facebook 1nullptr OP May 28, 2020

Well, I guess you are very happy we are heading for ww3

LinkedIn 🥚# May 28, 2020

Nothing cold about it. It’s a hot war.

Facebook 1nullptr OP May 28, 2020

Where should we hide? I don’t like nuclear bomb

Amazon calib May 28, 2020

The treaty that returned Hong Kong to China is very clear that the NPC shall not have any authority over HK. The HK legislature is specified as having sole authority over Hong Kong. One country, two systems didn't mean one system is controlled by the other. If China does this it shows that the country cannot be trusted to live up to its word.

LinkedIn 🦠🌪🔥Bam! Aug 6, 2020

> One country, two systems didn't mean one system is controlled by the other. That’s the wrong interpretation of what 1C2S means. Too many of you thinks it’s a guaranteed right, while it actually means it’s a given privilege and can be taken away if you step over the boundaries (like separatism)

Amazon MQ89 Aug 6, 2020

“Hegel remarks somewhere that all great, world-historical facts and personages occur, as it were, twice. He has forgotten to add: the first time as tragedy, the second as farce.”