Misc.Nov 23, 2023

Companies acquired by Amazon benefits question

Anyone know if benefits change over on closing day for companies acquired by Amazon? I’m asking because the paternal leave is better at Amazon than iRobot. EU is expected to make a decision on this merger right around the same time my wife’s due date and I am hoping they will close days later. Any way I can double dip to get both some how (I doubt it). Any ideas on getting just the Amazon benefit over iRobot if baby is born before closing date? One thought is to use vacation first and keep my fingers crossed the EU approves and Amazon/iRobot closes quickly after. Of course all this assuming EU approves the merger but I have no clue if that will actually happen.

iRobot je8v3k2 Nov 26, 2023

I know the original documents when the merger was announced said our benefits would not decrease from what we have at iRobot for at least a year from the close. That means they could improve or be replaced with what is deemed equivalent. It’s still not clear what happens after the closing. Good luck with the baby!

iRobot vaDP52 Jan 24

I don’t think you will need to use vacation. The paternity leave is day by day so take the iRobot leave. Your eligibility for Amazon leave will be impacted by the birth date not by whether you started iRobot leave. And congratulations!