Companies where HW = SW salary?

I will begin targeting new grad roles starting next year, and want to get a better grasp on companies that offer similar TC to both hardware and software folks. I know Apple for sure does, and fwiw, my Microsoft HW internship TC is the same as SW internships. I am mainly looking at FAANG type companies. I've heard Google and Facebook pays less for HW roles from others on Blind, but I am not sure how accurate that is. Can anyone confirm?

78 Participants
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Microsoft BlindUser& Dec 24, 2019

I can attest that MSFT can pay HW as well as they pay SW. But there's less high paying competition in HW so less people have high competing offers than in SW.

Microsoft PkachuFace Dec 24, 2019

MSFT underpays hw and sw equally

Microsoft BlindUser& Dec 24, 2019

Very true, but I'd argue that pay is still top 25% for HW. It's just that SWE has more companies which beat out msft.

Apple Oslooo Dec 24, 2019


Apple RoidRage Dec 24, 2019

Intel, Nvidia, or AMD, maybe?

Ironclad ⌐(ಠ۾ಠ)¬ Dec 26, 2019

not intel. they pay low. not sure about others.

Apple RoidRage Dec 28, 2019

They do pay low, but SW pay is about the same as HW pay (I used to work there)

Apple vaporize Dec 25, 2019

Apple SW refreshers are double that of HW . Someone correct me if I am wrong

Cadence 4$295$.8 Dec 25, 2019

Broadcomm- they can pay more for HW than even FAANG SW.. believe it or not..

Cisco masquerade Dec 27, 2019

One time deal, then you are stuck

Synopsys 0beef Jan 7, 2020

None of them in general

IEEE EQPO12 Jan 7, 2020

Facebook Reality Labs

Apple vaporize Jan 7, 2020

Can you recommend me :]

IEEE karumba Jan 7, 2020

Lol ! I don't work there. Check LinkedIn for referral