
Company offer asking me for counter offer proof?

In order to get the high end of the level TC the company (tech giant) asked me to provide proof of current offer for price matching. This seems super shady coming from them? Or am I just over thinking? Are they unaware people can just fabricate this?

Klaviyo TC_orGTFO_ Jan 24


ex-VMware Jan 24

Just fabricate it then.....

Check Point fgCr76 Jan 24


Salesforce Dreamlight Jan 24

This is common practice. I've been asked to share offer letter in the past. I would hide any "sabotagable" info and share it.

ex-VMware Jan 24

How do you do that with PDF?

Apple SMHq04 OP Jan 24

But what’s the point in asking for it if you interviewed the candidate and can evaluate them yourself? If you’re not interested in the candidate why pay more because someone else is willing to pay more?

ex-VMware Jan 24

Ok cool. But how to edit PDF?

Apple SMHq04 OP Jan 24

Google it, many websites exist for this

Mapbox kmnA65 Jan 24

You work in tech and have to ask?