
Components at FB

FB engs I’ve heard a lot about Components from past @scale talks. Do you guys will use it? Do you think you'll be using it in 3 years? What's your opinion on it? For context, Components is a library FB wrote for immutable mobile UI.

Expedia icare Feb 8, 2018

Can you put something for context so that we understand wht this is?

Uber FawziKamel OP Feb 8, 2018


Facebook FANGinTher Feb 8, 2018

It's annoying and frustrating to use, and doesn't work well with 99% of Android. The tooling around it is absolute shit. It solves the exact problem that fb has, but I wouldn't want to use it externally (or be in a situation where I need to use it).

Uber Meatwad Feb 8, 2018

Thanks for the honest reply. I'm shocked at having poor tooling, I've always taken FB to be the kind of place to have engineers that care about infra and are glorified for doing it well. Is that not the case in general? Or just when it comes to Components?

Facebook FANGinTher Feb 9, 2018

Well, the tooling is okay-ish for internal purposes. Our building system, internal plugins, docs, are well integrated. But zero integration if you're trying to use it for a "standard" Android project. There's a koolaid-ish reveration of it internally that can get annoying.

Facebook fmlpls Feb 9, 2018

FB has a ton of libraries to build cross platform UIs and I lost track of them

Uber Meatwad Feb 9, 2018

Do you guys use React Native at all