Office LifeNov 13, 2018

Concentration on work

How do I concentrate on my work? I like to do smart work rather than hard work. Either QA , newly joined people, or other team members always come to my desk and ask for help every time . Because of that I couldn’t focus on my work. And I can’t say NO to them on their face. if it happens few times , I am fine. But it keeps happening . On top of that our work space s an open cubic structure. So I keep listening to the technical discussions happening around my desk . How can you guys avoid this and concentrate on work? Any tips

Amazon hLMA52 Nov 13, 2018

My manager allows us to work from home. I do it once a week to get things done.

NIO john123 OP Nov 13, 2018

Yup. I have to do that

Intuit t0@y Nov 13, 2018

Buy noise cancellation headphones. Setup in your calendar “office hours” when people can come to you with questions. If they come at some other time, ask them to come to you at that dedicated time. Also ask them to come prepared in order to efficiently use your and their time.

LinkedIn UDSz66 Nov 13, 2018

Read "Deep Work" by Cal Newport. Also, set yourself up in a space you won't be interrupted in.

ukNahn Nov 13, 2018

Nah. Don't read wanky self help guides.

eBay BuyITnow👋 Nov 13, 2018

Bose quiet comfort qc35. When someone comes by to talk to you, pretend like you don’t hear them and they will walk away. They’ll assume you’re on a call or can’t hear them with your music on.

Google TC247k Nov 13, 2018

i wish i was a person people come to for advice. if i were you i would just aim to become a people’s manager because you are clearly well fit for it

loulou Nov 13, 2018

Of course you can tell them no, or at least tell them to come by later. I used to keep my headset on so people would think I was in a call.

eBay BuyITnow👋 Nov 13, 2018

You should also evaluate if you’re answering questions they can google or look up on their own. If you help them too much, they will rely on you and become too lazy to look things up. However if you help the right people it can help your promotion.

MINDBODY DBte62 Nov 13, 2018

Its a funny way to let people know they are asking too many questions. Put a notice that you are charging a few dollars per question. That should make people realize that they might be pestering you. Make it apparent with jokes. If someone is still bugging then ask them to respect your time.

Microsoft Iuda(&-:;\ Nov 13, 2018

Modafinil and noise canceling headphones