Tech IndustryOct 14, 2020

Contract at Tmobile

I get hit up frequentky by recruiters trying to get me to contact for Tmobile. Should I do it?

T-Mobile busy@work Oct 14, 2020

lol from FTE to contract at T-Mobile

Amazon pbpy87 OP Oct 15, 2020

Tell me about Tmobile. Maybe I did get a job there.

T-Mobile busy@work Oct 15, 2020

How on earth is T-Mobile matching your Amazon TC?

Roku doIores Oct 14, 2020


T-Mobile uncarrier Oct 21, 2020

NOO, why the hell do you want to move from full time to contracting?

T-Mobile foo-oops Oct 21, 2020

Lol. Good question. I would say you should try everything. If you dont like your work at Amazon then you can come and join tmobile. I'm pretty sure you will get good wlb. Tmobile is not doing ecommerce business so their wages are lower than your expectations.

T-Mobile blind_0 Oct 21, 2020

Big FAT NO. TMO treats contractors like slaves. Latest example - in one of the projects, they started a new policy where FTEs can't be asked to join meetings outside work hours or on Fridays or during lunch hour. But contractors are fair game. Several such policies.

T-Mobile uncarrier Oct 21, 2020

One of my colleague did the same mistake by resigning microsoft full time and joining Tmo as contractors, he cries almost everyday.

T-Mobile stop_rain Oct 22, 2020

Why don’t you look for a full time at TMO? Contractors are not treated nicely here. Before COVID I visited one of my contractor friends, he had half of a desk to use because contractors in his org don’t get allocated workspace at all.