PoliticsApr 18, 2018
UberHead of ?

Controversial Thought on NK

If Trump’s direct talks w/ NK succeed he’s done more to earn a Nobel Peace Prize than Obama did for his. Y/N?

Adobe rgm Apr 18, 2018

If that happens AND he’s able to de-escalate with Russia, I agree. Can’t see it occurring, but it wouldn’t be bad to be proven wrong.

yhspz Apr 18, 2018

Obama initiated military operations in like 4 or 5 countries in his term. Trump is already a peace monger by comparison.

FireEye 8bdy3d6g Apr 18, 2018

Don't forget the Libyan slave trade that resulted from the Obama administration's actions.

Apple E.Bachmann Apr 18, 2018

Hold that thought. We’ve been through denuclearization agreements with NK before, remember? Simply speaking with NK isn’t merit worthy.

Amazon ok then Apr 18, 2018

If. So far Trump's been played like a fiddle on NK. He allowed NK to go nuclear, develop an ICBM that can strike the US, blatantly threaten the US, and then it turned out to be the US rather than NK that got isolated diplomatically. Trump's been completely ineffective so far.

Microsoft 4655434b Apr 18, 2018


FireEye 8bdy3d6g Apr 18, 2018

He allowed NK to go nuclear... Blah blah.. Are you serious? You know he's been president only since Jan 2017 right?

Lyft CRr&4)f Apr 18, 2018

Barry o didn’t deserve a Nobel prize but trump has had some high profile missions under his watch. 1: dropping the MOAB in Afghanistan (largest conventional bomb ever deployed) 2: the failed raid that killed navy seals in (Yemen?) 3: two separate rounds of air/missile strikes in Syria 4: the green berets who were ambushed in Nigeria are only part of a large anti insurgency campaign being waged across Africa

Facebook cynical.ly Apr 18, 2018

I'm aTrump hater, but Obama's Nobel was biggest farce ever and just exposed Nobel prizes for their true "merit".

Teva edOs26 Apr 18, 2018

The nobel committee is a total joke- after they gave Obama one for being a black guy, who then went on to redefine warfare with drones to a whole other level they lost all my respect. Yes- IF trump pulls this off he deserves it. He’s mostly solved the issis mess too, if people were paying attention. But he won’t get it- too much baggage.

Amazon ok then Apr 18, 2018

I agree that no sitting President should get the prize. Gotta let them finish their term and see the whole story play out.

Apple E.Bachmann Apr 18, 2018

The Obama nod was a bit much. The committee has done these kinds of sympathy awards in the past. After GWB completely FUBARd the Middle East, Obama spent the better part of a year normalizing relations and strengthening foreign policy. It was like a “most improved” sympathy vote. Nobody was too impressed with it. But Trump has a long ass way to go, and I don’t know anybody who would even joke about Trump being a serious contender at this point. And I second the notion that an award should only go to a president after leaving office.

Credit Karma Johmy Apr 19, 2018

Not controversial, really crappy people have won Nobel peace prizes including people involved with US murder in the Philippines, Henry Kissinger, and Kofi Annan, Obama. All war mongers like Trump. Trump is not as graceful about it however.